
(Menu Items Subject to change)

White chocolate, cranberries, almonds and rum bread pudding 

Black forest old fashion vanilla and chocolate ice cream topped with  cherries, cherry brandy, chocolate sauce and whip cream 

Three coloured Belgium chocolate mousse 

Traditional crème caramel 

Cinnamon sugar coated apple fritters with vanilla ice cream and whip cream 

Triple chocolate brownie with vanilla ice cream


 Special Coffees and Teas

Hebel’s Coffee
Dujardin VSOP, chocolate shavings

Spanish Coffee
Tia Maria, Brandy

Monte Christo
Grand Marnier, Kahlua

 Irish coffee
Irish Whisky, Irish Mist

Blueberry Tea
Grand Marnier, Amaretto

Saskatoon Tea
Drambuie, Grand Marnier, Cointreau


 We have a wide selection of liqueurs, cognacs
and Ports available at market price


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